Ensure your board has the skills and tools needed to maximize success, from fiduciary responsibility and financial literacy to legal compliance and fundraising.

Nonprofit Boards 101

Every nonprofit needs a board, yet very few board members receive training or support on their proper roles and responsibilities. This training spells out why nonprofits have boards in the first place and what is expected of board members.

Board Structure & Procedures

Boards are small groups of people working together for common cause. This session gives an overview of the structures that support group work, as well as a range of decision-making models to help groups work together effectively.

Board Recruitment and Onboarding

Many boards struggle with recruiting new members, let alone new members with the skills and resources the organization needs. Learn best practices around board recruitment, including navigating the challenges of diversifying a board.

Understanding Nonprofit Finances

Boards hold the ultimate responsibility for an organization’s finances, yet board members are rarely trained in nonprofit financial literacy. This training covers board member’s financial duties, key financial documents, and best practices for carrying out financial responsibilities.

Board Member Fundraising

Fundraising is a part of board service at many organizations, yet few board members receive any training or support on effective fundraising. This training offers an overview of board fundraising strategies and includes a practice workshop on pitching a donor.

Succession Planning

Grassroots organizations are most vulnerable during a leadership transition. If not handled well, even organizations with decades of history can go under during a succession process. This training prepares boards with the tools and strategies needed to build and execute a strong succession plan before you need one.